Friday, November 11, 2011

Why do you think that abby and gibbs relationship is a father/daughter one?

If you watch the show and really pay attention you notice that their reactions to one another does not resemble that orf a father and daughter. And it was said that abby made advances towards him in quite a few shows. Now would you makes advances towards someone you think of as a father or someone you think of as a lover. They show too much interest in one another for me to even consider a father/daughter relationship.|||As hard as it is for some folks to picture and understand, some realtionships are just based on mutual friendly love, respect, and mutual admiration. That is what I see in the GIbbs Abbs, scenario. People who accept each other for who and what they really are. It's rare these days and interesting that the writers and creators of this show have brought it back to life.|||yeah I love NCIS and Abby is like the best

and I totally agree through out the whole thing they act totally like there should be more going on between them not just father/daughter type love. I think they would make the cutest couple even if theres a huge age difference|||He is the older, more mature male in her life and she thinks of him as a father "figure". Lots of young girls who never had a good relationship with daddy will pick a man to emulate as a father "figure'.

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