Friday, November 11, 2011

Anyone else think Abby could be Wakefields Daughter on Harpers Island?

So i was thinking about it, and does anyone else think that Abby may be Wakefields daughter on harpers Island? I mean, we already know he used to date her mother, and the timing fits...Any thoughts?|||I totally thought of that as soon as her father said Wakefield dated her mother, why else would they put that little plot twist in there. I think it will totally end up that way|||So although we're being made to think Abby is Wakefield's daughter, I personally think there's another person who is the (demon) seed of John Wakefield -- and THAT child is actually the person comittting the murders (or at least some of the murders - I've never been sure there's only one killer).

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|||I think that not only Abby, but Jimmy as well could be Wakefield's children. Yes, the implication is very messed up but its also a big twist which is what this show seems to be about.

I'm sure Abby knows more then what she's seen in the show as there is always more to a story then what is shown.

There is always the possibility that Jimmy was going to join up with Wakefield at the same time that Abby stumbled onto the scene and, knowing that Wakefield would want to talk to her, distracted 'their' father so that he could have more time to get Abby adjusted to... I won't continue on as its a little to creepy for me to put into words.

I am, of course, just throwing around thoughts and not fact as far as I know.|||I was thinking that too. The killer hasn't explicitly tried to kill her though, so that's the only reason I think it still could be Wakefield. Maybe he is eliminating everyone but her. My friend thinks the killer is Trish! jealous of abby and henry! I had thought it was jimmy for a while, but since he was with abby when harkin got killed i've rethought it. Until then he didn't have alibi's for the killings. Another interesting theory was that Booth wasn't really dead - that he faked it. Since they never found the body.

I kind of like the Trish idea though. They painted Harkin as a relatively good guy last episode, but he still sicked the dog on her and her dad so maybe he thinks it's her.

But anyway, I'm just mega-guessing on all this - i have no info. The show is getting good though! It's so hard to guess the killer since everyone seems to have alibi's - don't know how they're going to make it believable with such tight timelines.|||i thought that the sheriff was going to tell her that in last weeks episode when they were having that discussion about the fact that her mom dated wakefield then came to the island to get away from him. then, when they flashed back to that scene where she was arguing with her dad right after the murders i did have my suspicions when he said "maybe she got what she deserved". you know, 'cause she left wakefield and took his daughter away from him. it does make a lot of sense in the long run but i'm still not sure if wakefield is the killer this time around. and, if he is, why would he want to kill his own daughter; she really had nothing to do with leaving him. there's still something missing from the whole story and i hope we find out what it is here pretty soon. i was thinking that the sheriff was the killer ('cause he was mad that his wife was murdered and in his mind he was blaming it all on abby) but after tonight's episode i'm not sure. i don't think it's henry though, like they led you to believe at the end of the episode. can't wait to find out who it is!|||I never thought about that, but good thought.

It fits in nicely.

Also, Madison is SO creepy. I would be scared if I had a daughter like her. :/|||i think couzin ben is the killer the guy under the boat could of been somebody else the couzin ben.|||Yes, I was thinking that must be true also. The timing and age would be right.|||Omg i was thinking the same thing!!!!|||oh man, i never thought of that.

thati s a very good observation and it sounds like it could fit.|||I didn't think of that but now that you mention it... it does make sense. Heck, maybe Abby is the killer.

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