Friday, November 11, 2011

How much is it costing to save young sailor Abby?

Perhaps I'm a cynic, but in this tough economy I find it morally reprehensible if we, the public, are forced to pay to save Abby. Of course, we should save her, but her family should pick up the bill....anyone have an educated guess on what saving her will cost?|||However much it Is- her Parents should have to pay for it. After all, -they're the only Ones legally "responsible" here ! And if our Kids are allowed to "Play"- then Their Parents ought to Pay! ;)|||I was wondering that myself. I have nothing against people challenging themselves, and I support their right to do so, but it is not clear to me that they also have a right to have their asses saved at huge cost when they get in trouble. It seems to me that if these adventurers want their risks mitigated by the rescue organizations of the modern State, they should be required to post a bond for the privilege. No bond would mean no rescue, except by amateurs willing to work for free out of the goodness of their hearts and/or their own quest for adventure.|||I don't know, but the Australians are not happy with having to send out their crafts to help an American whose parents were irresponsible enough to let her go. If the parents are wealthy enough to be able to afford the yacht and all the training she's had they can just pay the bill as far as I am concerned.|||Yes my educated guess is 1 million dollars, good day, i bid you adieu.|||Whatever it is, I hope that they send her a bill.

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