Monday, November 14, 2011

On Y&R is anyone else tired of how fragile Ashley is and how annoying Abby is?

I think it's getting so old she never used to be like this. She used to work and have a life but now it's like she's falling apart and Abby is so stuck up I couldn't stand to be around her. Today when Adam said I wish you could see how annoying you are it was quite funny.|||I find Ashly quite annoying and never could stand the teenage Abby. Who are they trying to make her. Y%26amp;R version of Paris Hilton. Stuck up, think she is better than every dam body and shallow. Ashly looks too old to be pregnant anyway. Bored with the crazy bad acting and the stomach holding. Get a new S/L. But I can already see what is in the making. Ashley gets committed. Sharon is placed in psychiatric hospital for evaluation. Both pop out baby girls and they are switched.Ashley gets Sharons baby and Sharons baby is supposedly born dead. its Obvious that this is gonna happen.|||Yes on both questions. I could not stand this Abby from day 1. When Ashley returned I was happy...but what they have done with her....forget it. She and Abby can go back to LA and Bold and Beautiful!|||Abby I can take But Ashley needs to get it together.|||I'd like to take Ashley by the shoulders and shake her or maybe smack the taste out her mouth, when did she go from being a strong exec woman to this babbling bubblehead? I cant blame Adam for playing her because Ashley has been in this spot before, she just cant take anything anymore...Abby needs to be brought down a few pegs and a month of social service like working at a soup kitchen or volunteering at a hospice would do her good.|||they are both off the charts of annoyingness!!!!!!!!!!!|||Yeah... Why do all the younger Y%26amp;R girls become models?|||Oh my word! Ashley and Sharon need matching padded cells right next to each other. I find it very annoying of both their characters.|||You're preaching to the choir sister.....i've been praying that maybe a death will occur and it will be one or either of those two.

although i don't have many faves on the show anymore, my hubby sees abby on the screen everytime and yells out "that little b****".....after yesterday- good lord-- "I've done my first of many magazines and to celebrate i need to throw a party"...can we say the words- HIGH MAINTENANCE?

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